Nighttime Daydreams Show 21
DJ Toanké Reads Raymond Soulard's "Dream Raps, Volume Ten,"
live on Zoom, 19.June.2021
Dream Raps, Volume Ten published in Cenacle | 115 | April 2021
Dream Raps, Volumes One-Ten
1. It Was the One Story He Had to Tell
2. The Road On, Usually Better
3. They Eats the Streets4. We're Sitting On Top of Our Bus
5. I Gotta Leave the Bus
6. The House, with the Attic, from the Dreams of My Youth
7. The Blues Guitarist I Knew, Somewhat, Years Ago
8. This is What I Learned That You Should Know Now
9. SpiritPlants Radio America
10. I Show My Little Friends a Bookstore
11. There's Some Stories You Need to Tell Slowly
12. Whenever I Go Into the Nada Theatre
13. It Was a Cube of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough?
14. Somewhere Down Deep
15. I Made It to the Other Side
16. Enigmatic Events. Enigmatic Music. Enigmatic World.
17. Sooner or Later, This Will Happen to You, Too
18. Me Riding on My Bike Back to ZombieTown Hovel
19. A Real Lockdown
20. The Strange-Folk
21. Time . . . Distortions . . . Ensue
22. Troubles on the Job
23. What Is the Forever Dreaming?
24. I Think Often About Narrative
25. The Gemini Machine
26. The Gemini Machine (Continued)
27. In a Time of Plague & Protest
28. Letters, As . . .
29. When You Go Under the Covers
30. If You Reach Back Deep in the Mythologies
31. Once a Man Had Come to America
32. The Photographer
33. My New Job
34. Arriving to a Round, Muddy Driveway
35. I Was Reading a Book Called "Power"
36. Season of Lights, in a Very Strange Year